There are so much negativity and divisiveness these days. It seems like you can’t escape it, especially if you watch the news. So, how can we reverse this negativity? What can we do to make life more positive and enjoyable? Before I go into solutions, I want to go over how this negativity can affect our lives, our energy, our health, our relationships, and finally our way of life.


Negativity breeds stress, conflict, hate, and violence, to name a few. Negativity and stress cause tightness and other reactions in the body that restricts the energy flow in the body. The organs of the body suffer, and therefore, the entire body suffers. Our relationships suffer when we are negative because it creates unnecessary conflict and drama.

Positivity, on the other hand, breeds joy, love, creativity, and cooperation. Positivity reduces stress and tightness, enhancing the flow of energy in the body. The organs become healthier, we become healthier. Our relationships become stronger and more enjoyable. We become kinder and caring towards others.


The human mind is so complex and powerful, though we often take it for granted. Our mind is a sort of energy transmitter. Our thoughts and feelings radiate energy outward in all directions, unlimited by space and time. When our thoughts are positive, healing, empowering, loving, and compassionate, then the energy that we radiate mirrors these. These thoughts have the potential to uplift society and humanity, directly and indirectly. When our thoughts are negative, hurtful, destructive, and hateful, then the energy we radiate is minimally not beneficial and maximally harmful.


It is the thoughts we think about that shapes our lives. Whatever we think and feel consistently programs our subconscious mind. Remember that our subconscious mind is our autonomic nervous system. It autonomically regulates bodily functions that are vital for our lives, such as regulating blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, and so many things we can’t name them all in this article. It also takes our habitual thoughts and replays them over and over again, subconsciously. Thus, these thoughts pop into our mind without conscious effort. It’s as if you don’t have control of your thoughts (not true and we’ll explain why shortly). Have you ever wondered why a particular thought suddenly popped into your mind and it wasn’t related to anything you were doing? It came from your subconscious mind.


So, what if our subconscious thoughts are negative. Does this mean we are radiate negative energy out to the world without even thinking about it? The answer is yes.


It is even more complex than this. The type of energy that we are radiating outward attracts similar energy. So, if we are negative and we radiate out negativity, then we are also receiving more negative energy into our lives. So, we don’t want this negativity bouncing around our subconscious mind. It can become a vicious circle that can seem difficult to break out of.


The good news is that we get to choose the type of energy we want to radiate out to the world. Remember it is our conscious thoughts, feelings, and actions that program our subconscious mind. So, we can reprogram our subconscious thoughts by changing our conscious thoughts. If we have deeply embedded negativity into our subconscious mind it will require more consistent effort, but it can be reversed.


Let me give you some steps to follow to begin the process to reverse this negative programming.

1. Live in the present moment.

2. Let go of the past. It is over. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let it go. Just focus on the present moment.

3. Let go of the fear of the future. It hasn’t happened. So, why worry about it. Just focus on the present moment.

4. Keep your thoughts positive.

5. Look for things in your life that you are grateful for (new day, your friend, your family, shelter, food, clothing, etc.).

6. Be of service to others. Helping others will certainly lift your spirit.


What do you have to lose? Try these steps for a week or more and see what a difference it will make in your life. You will begin to reverse the negativity and live a more positive and beneficial life that radiates out positive vibrations to the world and in turn, will attract more positivity into your life.


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