Is it possible to live stress-free? Life can be stressful at times. Stress is at epidemic levels around the world. We are so busy trying to get through each day juggling many tasks and priorities like work, the kids, chores, social media, and unexpected events like accidents, illnesses, and many others. So, what can we do to reduce or eliminate stress in our lives?

Reducing or eliminating stress is about choices and balance. It may be difficult to completely eliminate stress. Some stress is a necessary motivator that lets us know that something needs our attention, like being chased by an angry bear. But we also face many so-called stressful situations that aren’t life-threatening like an angry bear, yet our minds and bodies react the same way. These are more mental or emotional chronic stress situations that come about due to our perceptions (correctly or not) that we will be harmed. When stress becomes chronic, our bodies produce stress hormones that over time, will cause disease.

So, if you want to reduce your stress hormones, live stress-free, and improve your life, then you need to make conscious choices that will lead you to relaxation and peace. For instance, if your stress is caused by a fear (always is) of not being good enough to get a raise at work, then you will be stuck with your current position and salary until you eliminate the stress by addressing the fear. In this case, if you make a choice that you are good enough and realize that you have done a good job, then the fear has no power and the stress will go away. Without the fear, you will do better on the job and you will have the courage to ask for the raise. Sometimes we just need to change our perceptions about our circumstances to reduce the stress.

Now it is up to you to decide what will rule your life, stress, or relaxation and peace. Becoming aware that you are living with stress is the first step. Some people live and struggle with stress, but they haven’t yet recognized that stress is out of control and running their lives. After you become aware of the amount of stress in your life, you will need a plan to eliminate it. To do this you need to find out what your major stressors (causes of stress) are. Then, you need to create a plan to eliminate the stressors. This plan could include changing your lifestyle, changing your perceptions about the issues you face, seeking help if you are overwhelmed, changing your diet, and beginning a mindfulness practice like Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, and meditation. I recommend that you seek out a health and wellness coach to help you create a plan that is specific to your situation. This may be the best decision you can make to live a stress-free life.